Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I'm gonna be an EMT!!!

My mother reminds me constantly ever since my sister's wedding that I am quickly approaching thirty and have nothing to show for almost three decades of life. The last conversation started when a guy friend of mine came to the house to do some work she wanted done. This is how it went -

Mom (as he was pulling out of the driveway): "He was cute."

Me: "He's just a friend, mom."
Mom: "When are you going to reel one of these guys in and keep him?"

Me (to myself): "Thanks a lot, Lori. You just had to go and get hitched and point her in my direction."

I love my mother and wouldn't trade her for the world, but damnit man.

I don't care to have anything at all to do with men at the moment and I don't see that changing in the near future. But I am going back to school. Maybe that will ease the pressure a little bit.

Lori said one time that she wished she could float through life the way I do.

Be careful what you wish for.
It's miserable. Mom's right. I'm looking thirty squarely in the eye. I've never been in a relationship that had a snowball's chance in hell of going anywhere and once I had a high school diploma, the thought of going back to school only crossed my mind long enough for me to think "I'll do it later." It gets to a point where you honestly start to wonder what the hell the point of life is. When getting up to pee in the morning is your biggest accomplishment for the week you feel more than useless. It's seriously depressing. Big time.
So I decided it was time to establish a goal or two. And I did. I'm going back to school. I'm going to be an EMT. It's going to be expensive, and it's not going to be easy but nothing in life worth having comes easily. It took me almost 26 years to figure that out. Maybe if I stay in school for a while I won't get any more of the hints and/or direct questions as to when I'm going to find a boy and "reel him in." I don't know if I'll be able to handle the grandbabies comments. Did you get them Lori?
Anyway, I'm excited, I can't wait to get started and I had to share.
Did you give up on the riddles and mysteries Sarah?


Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

Okay, your riddles are hard, but here is what is easy. (Well, not really but it seems to work.)

Do whatever you think will make YOU happy. Once you learn how to be happy all by yourself, and you are to the point where you prefer your independence then the perfect man finds you. Or you find him. And it is annoying because you were just good on your own, but you know you can't let it go.

Lori will tell you the same.

I'm not crazy, just well mixed! said...

#1. Mom will always pester you. Get used to it!

#2. Don't feel like you have to go to school RIGHT NOW - make sure you're ready and this is what you want. Have all your ducks in a row (debts paid - hint) and be willing to focus on nothing else for a long time.