Friday, September 26, 2008

What is a blog?

I have been asked that question several times, but I never had the it put quite the way my dad put it today on the phone...

My Dad: "What's a blog?"

Me: "Well it's...."

My Dad (cutting me off): "I was thinking about that today and it sounds to me like one of those enormous boogers it takes two fingers to pick."

Me: --hysterical laughter-- (I have a gross sense of humor, I know)

My Dad: "So if that's the case, I'm glad I'm not a blogger... they have it rough. Which reminds me, next time you talk to your sister, tell her I said hi."

Hehe... hehehehe......... HA!.... HAHAHA!! .......Lori's a blogger.......


I'm not crazy, just well mixed! said...

Hi Dad...I think...

Anonymous said...

I love your dad, but now I feel all skeevy about blogging.

I think I need a tissue.