Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Ok.... I was about to post a bulletin to let you know you should never to buy Kleenex brand tissues because when you go to blow your nose, they disappear mid-honk.

After that I was going to post an APB for my AWOL hair scrunchies. (I was gonna have them court marshalled.)

But they were all found yesterday. They were being held as POWs in a large camp behind "Fort Easy Chair" in a town called "Living Room."

They were all rescued (tissues and scrunchies alike) and their captor, Oliver Bartholomeow Tumblecat, has been taken into custody.

Just an FYI

Monday, December 3, 2007

Pinky and The Brain

I give you Pinky. 'Drunken Stuper' Pinky.

My bestest friend.